Billy Rainey Billy Rainey

Community Heroes - “Rice and Beans Ministries” with Fred Curry

Eddie is joined by Fred Curry, Executive Director and Founder of Rice & Beans Ministry (RABMIN). After visiting Costa Rica on a mission trip, Fred formed a connection with the community there and began to use food as a way of opening the door to deep conversations and long-term relationships. Fred’s ministry work focuses not on measures of success or growth, but how to sustain members of a community right where they are. He talks to Eddie about how to be a faithful “first responder” in missions, bridging gaps with those who aren’t comfortable in a church setting, and the importance of relationships over results.

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Cody Hickman Cody Hickman

0015 - The Weight - Adam Hamilton - “Innovation, Mission, and Reopening”

Hamilton discusses the frequent zoom calls with his staff, the opportunity to learn and connect with other pastors in the United States, and the unexpected rewards in the midst of having to remain at home. Listeners will learn what Church of the Resurrection is doing and how they will approach reopening. All three pastors Chris, Eddie, and Adam examine and consider the new form of ministry that focuses on online worship. Hamilton emphasizes the importance of holding onto the knowledge gained during this time and applying it to the future.

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