Billy Rainey Billy Rainey

Human Sexuality - “A Traditional Christian Vision” with Dr. Tim Tennent

Chris and Eddie are joined by Dr. Tim Tennent, President of Asbury Theological Seminary and author of For the Body: Recovering a Theology of Gender, Sexuality, and the Human Body. Dr. Tennent stands for honoring our bodies’ unique design and purpose. He views the body as not just a biological category, but a theological category as well. He talks to Chris and Eddie about the differences between protestant liberalism and evangelical reductionism regarding same-sex marriage and gender reassignment, disincarnation of the body, and what it means to be made in the image of God.

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Billy Rainey Billy Rainey

Human Sexuality - “Changing My Position” with Adam Hamilton

Chris and Eddie are joined by Adam Hamilton, pastor of Church of the Resurrection, the largest United Methodist church in the country. Hamilton’s book Making Sense of the Bible explores the most controversial questions Christians ask while interpreting scripture, including issues of sexuality and gender. Hamilton believes context is necessary to understanding the character of God, and he challenges us to consider what is lost in translation. He talks to Eddie and Chris about how to be guided by an ethic of love, how his position on sexuality has changed over the years, and ways we can argue ethically without shutting each other down.

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Billy Rainey Billy Rainey

“Purity Culture” with Kat Harris

Kat Harris, author of “Sexless in the City” and host of The Refined Collective Podcast, is committed to releasing women from judgment and shame and helping them develop a healthy, Biblical view around sexuality. A single woman in her 30s, Kat openly shares about her experiences navigating the dating scene in New York City as a celibate Christian. Kat has received thousands of questions from women who haven’t felt permission to be curious about sexuality and desire. She talks to Eddie and Chris about how the Church’s narratives about sex and purity shape our expectations of women, God’s “very good” vision for human relationships, and how the Church can faithfully honor and celebrate single people.

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Billy Rainey Billy Rainey

Social Media Culture - "Instagram Evangelism" with Leigh Stein

In this episode, Chris and Eddie talk with Leigh Stein about her New York Times article, “The Empty Religions of Instagram.” The article explores the ways social media users turn to influencers as moral authorities that offer structure, comfort, encouragement, and humor. Stein has observed the birth of a new online orthodoxy that resembles religious beliefs, but that is missing the mercy or grace of true human connections within faith communities. This episode offers insight into the disappointment of digital iconography, the outrage cycle of social media, and our innate urge to testify and tell our stories.

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Billy Rainey Billy Rainey

Social Media Culture - "My Tech-Wise Life" with Amy Crouch

Amy Crouch is a student at Cornell University and, with her father Andy Crouch, co-author of “My Tech Wise Life: Growing Up and Making Choices in a World of Devices.” She joins Chris and Eddie to discuss what boundaries and understandings regarding technology are necessary to harness its advantages while mitigating its negative effects. Crouch bases her message around the understanding that technology is not a bad thing, but something that must be seen as a tool rather than a foundation of life. What does that look like practically? Tune in to the conversation to find out!

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Billy Rainey Billy Rainey

"Dying Church" with Russell Moore

Chris and Eddie are joined by Dr. Russell Moore, the President of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. Moore’s recent article “Losing Our Religion” addresses the ways many churches do not seem to believe what they teach and the reasons many have chosen to disaffiliate from the church. Moore speaks of the ways in which he was disillusioned as a fifteen year old by Bible Belt Christianity, his journey back through fear to a genuine faith, and his courage to stand for mercy and justice in the public square. Throughout this conversation and in his work, Moore poses a hopeful vision for the future of the church rooted in the promises of Jesus rather than cultural agendas.

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Billy Rainey Billy Rainey

Birth & Motherhood - “Mothering Your Mother” with Beth Ann Fennelly

There comes a time in each child’s life when their role begins to shift in relation to their parents. Many daughters expand their definition of mothering when caring for their own mothers, as they learn to navigate the tension of reincorporating a loved one into a new familial environment. When forced to confront the realities of motherhood in a different light, these daughters and mothers need time for introspection to engage with the expansiveness of motherhood’s demands and joys.

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Billy Rainey Billy Rainey

Birth & Motherhood - "Grace Through Infertility" with Elizabeth Hagan

Rev. Elizabeth Hagan shares her story of infertility with us and gives us a clearer understanding of the layers of grief that come with this struggle that most do not recognize. Specifically, she speaks about ways that communities of faith can become some of the least safe places for people to deal with the struggle. Even so, Hagan also shines a light on how God’s grace can guide people through the struggle and how the desires we have to create families are God-given and should not be given up on. This conversation is purposed to inspire us all toward a more loving way of coming alongside those who struggle with this weighty topic of birth and motherhood.

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Billy Rainey Billy Rainey

Art & Culture - "A Theology of Making" with Makoto Fujimura

Makoto Fujimura explains how the power, mystery, and depth of art drive us to ask deeper questions. He introduces his spiritual discipline of “slow art,” speaks to the nuances of tradition, and ponders the ways art can liberate us in our cultural context. Fujimura gives us space to identify where we meet Jesus in both making and consuming. This conversation speaks to the healing gift of art as culture care, rather than a commodity.

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Cody Hickman Cody Hickman

Art and Culture - “Remember and Revise” with Kiese Laymon

Kiese Laymon speaks about the important role his grandmother plays in his life, the way in which the influences of our upbringing remain a part of us no matter what changes may come, and the incredible ability of art to unleash heavy truths from things we keep secret. This conversation, but more specifically Laymon’s art, speaks directly to the complexities of Mississippi in a way that helps listeners seek more understanding not just of one state, but an entire nation.

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Cody Hickman Cody Hickman

Art and Culture - “Healing the Imagination” with James K.A. Smith

James K.A. Smith believes that what we make of the world is much more of a reflection of what we want for the world than how we think about the world. He invites us to create habits of putting ourselves in the way of things we don’t understand and making ourselves available to be encountered. By expanding our imagination, we give our souls space to carefully consider the stories we carry in our bones and the ways that those stories frame our culture.

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Cody Hickman Cody Hickman

Faith and Politics - "Post-Truth World" with Dr. Stephen Long

In an age where the truth is increasingly being contorted to suit our agendas and desires for power, the challenge of a “Post Truth World” is more complex and difficult than we might imagine. Southern Methodist University Professor of Ethics, Dr. Stephen Long, joins us on The Weight for frank, in-depth conversation about the challenges of recovering the prioritization of truth in a political climate that yields it to desire for power.

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Cody Hickman Cody Hickman

0029 - The Weight - Esau McCaulley - An Exercise In Hope

Rev. Dr. Esau McCaulley is a theologian, priest, and author of the new book "Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope." He joins Eddie and Chris to discuss how Christians can have open dialogue about riots and protests, and how white Christians can interpret the truth behind the phrase “Black Lives Matter.” They talk about specific passages in the Bible that point to the grief and rage Black Americans feel and where the cross of Christ fits into the scope of human emotion.

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Cody Hickman Cody Hickman

0022 - The Weight - Brian Zahnd - “America: Empire or Exile”

Brian spoke with Eddie and Chris about his personal transformation from conservative evangelicalism to what he calls the “biblical Gospel of peace.” He uses the narrative of his life and the evangelical movement to offer a wholehearted critique of the marriage of civil religion and the American church and the ways it can inhibit faithfulness to the call of Christ. Though Zahnd’s ideas may rub against the grain of the beliefs of some, it offers an important perspective to consider in the discernment of faithful witness in the United States.

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Cody Hickman Cody Hickman

0019 - The Weight - Shane Claiborne - “Living In Community”

Shane Claiborne seeks to challenge the Church, through word and example, to recognize that such a way of living is not only doable, but well worth pursuing, especially in the face of the disparities that exist for marginalized people. To reflect this possibility, he helped found “The Simple Way,” a neighborhood that seeks to create spaces for all of its members to belong and thrive. Shane has developed prominence as a speaker, activist, and best-selling author on his journey of sharing the story of this community while also being a “champion of grace” in advocacy for the homeless as well as his active opposition to war, the death penalty, and gun violence among other issues.

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Cody Hickman Cody Hickman

0018 - The Weight - Leonard Sweet - “Rings Of Fire”

In this episode, Sweet speaks bluntly about the aspects of today’s world that concern him, but also offers a vision of Christianity as a faith that isn’t separated from the culture of the world, but indigenous in it. He challenges listeners to recognize the ways that the Spirit of God can work through the culture of the world to make miracles happen and “bring the best out of the worst.”

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Cody Hickman Cody Hickman

0016 - The Weight - Dana Trent - “Death, Dessert, and Paperwork”

Perhaps the weightiest topic there is is the one that we all must face: death. Much of our lives can be spent evading this reality until it comes crashing into our lives somehow. What might it look like to adopt a posture towards death that not only makes us more prepared, but helps us live life more abundantly? To engage this question, we welcome Dana Trent!

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Cody Hickman Cody Hickman

0015 - The Weight - Adam Hamilton - “Innovation, Mission, and Reopening”

Hamilton discusses the frequent zoom calls with his staff, the opportunity to learn and connect with other pastors in the United States, and the unexpected rewards in the midst of having to remain at home. Listeners will learn what Church of the Resurrection is doing and how they will approach reopening. All three pastors Chris, Eddie, and Adam examine and consider the new form of ministry that focuses on online worship. Hamilton emphasizes the importance of holding onto the knowledge gained during this time and applying it to the future.

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